Acquiring new members –
together with Barmer

Barmer is one of the biggest health insurance providers in Germany. Discover the possibilities of a sales partnership with us. Take advantage of the high brand awareness and positive image of Barmer for your success and expand your range of products and services with innovative health services.

Focus Money - Deutschland Test: Company of the year 2025
Focus Money - digital services
Focus Money - excellent performance

Get these exclusive benefits as a Barmer sales partner

Attractive payment

You get your brokering premium after a quick and transparent payment system

Premium service

A personal contact and digital tools for you and your customers

Free seminars

Helpful training for even better opportunities in the market and more sales success

Professional support

Professional support and quick help from sales specialists with detailed country knowledge

Business network

Supported by a large network with attractive cross-selling opportunities

All insured persons of BARMER benefit from these top-quality services

Offer your customers attractive deals at every stage of their lives


All-round no-worries health insurance during your apprenticeship 


Your studies, your decision for our student benefits 


All-round cover as a volunteer 


A healthy family life with family insurance benefits 

Self-employed people

Flexible coverage, perfect for self-employed people 

Employed persons

Strong health insurance throughout your career 


Support and advice on social security and healthy work 

Entrepreneurs and startups

Discover benefits and services for every phase

Are you convinced? Become a sales partner and win over satisfied customers