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Information about our website and about Barmer in simple English

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What does Barmer do?

How can I become a member?

Who works at Barmer?

Find out everything about the Barmer health insurance provider in simple English.

What is a "Kranken-Kasse"?

A "Kranken-Kasse" in Germany is a health insurance provider.
The customers of a health insurance provider are called members.
Members pay money to the health insurance provider.
The payment is known as a health insurance contribution.

The health insurance provider then pays for the bills of its members when:

  • Its members are ill
  • Its members need care

For example, the health insurance provider pays for:

  • Bills for doctor visits
  • Bills for hospital visits
  • Bills for medicine

What is Barmer?

Barmer is a statutory health insurance provider.
Barmer also provides long-term care insurance.

Many people are members of Barmer.
The members pay money to Barmer every month.
The payment is known as a health insurance contribution.

The members are insured with Barmer.

This means Barmer helps its members when:

  • The members are ill
  • The members need care

Barmer then pays the bills for its members.

For example:

  • Bills for doctor visits
  • Bills for hospital visits
  • Bills for medicine

German laws set the amount of health insurance contribution members must pay to Barmer.
German laws also set what medical services and products Barmer must pay for its members.

Who works at Barmer?

Barmer is a big health insurance provider.

Many thousands of people work for Barmer in Germany.

Barmer has 400 offices in Germany.
The offices are called branches.

If you have a question for Barmer, call the branch nearest you.

Who can become a member?
How can I become a member?

Are you on a vocational training scheme?
Are you studying?
Do you work?
Do you have your own business?
Are you retired?

Then you can become a member of Barmer.

You need to apply to Barmer.

You apply on the Barmer website.
Click on become a member.

You can also apply at a Barmer branch near you.
Staff at Barmer can help you with your application.

You can also insure your spouse and children with Barmer.

If your spouse or children do not earn their own money, there is no extra cost.
They are covered by family insurance.

What services does Barmer provide?
What does Barmer pay for?

Barmer helps you stay healthy.
Barmer also helps you when you are ill.

Barmer pays for many services for your health.

For example, Barmer pays for:

  • Medical check-ups.
    Your doctor then knows early on if you are ill
  • Courses on healthy nutrition
  • Sports courses such as exercises for the back
  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital visits
  • When you need medical aids:
    for example, glasses or a wheelchair
  • When you need to recover from an illness

Are you a member of Barmer?
Do you need help from Barmer?
Then call Barmer by telephone.
Or click one of the contact options on our website.

Must I pay health insurance contributions?

All members pay Barmer every month.
The payment is called the health insurance contribution.

Barmer uses the contributions from members to pay for services for its members.

Barmer does not pay fully for every medical service or product.
Members may have to pay some money themselves.
This is called the own share for a medical service or product.

What does Barmer have to pay?
What do members have to pay?
These are stated in law.

Visiting a doctor

Do you need to see a doctor?
Or do you need to go to hospital?

You choose the doctor or hospital yourself.


The doctor must have an agreement with Barmer.

Are you looking for a doctor?
Do you need help finding a doctor?
Then call Barmer by telephone.
Or click one of the contact options on our website.

Visiting a dentist. Dental costs. Tooth replacements

Finding a dentist

Do you need to visit a dentist?
You can choose a dentist yourself.

The dentist must have an agreement with Barmer.

The agreement states:

  • Which costs Barmer pays
  • Which costs Barmer does not pay

If the agreement states that Barmer does not pay for a dental treatment or tooth replacement, you must pay for the treatment yourself.

Are you looking for a dentist?
Do you need help to find a dentist?
Then call Barmer by telephone.
Or click one of the contact options on our website.

Treating gums

Dentists also treat gums.
Gums that require treatment have periodontitis.

Before the dentist treats periodontitis, you must apply for gum treatment.
Your dentist can help you with the application.
Your dentist sends the application to Barmer.

Barmer must approve the application.
If Barmer approves the application,
Barmer pays the cost of the treatment.
You can then have the gum treatment.

Dental prosthetics: tooth replacements and crowns

Do you need a tooth replaced?
For example, because:

  • A tooth has fallen out
  • A tooth has been extracted

Do you need a dental crown?

You then apply for a tooth replacement.
Your dentist helps you with the application.
Your dentist sends the application to Barmer.

Barmer must approve the application.
If Barmer approves the application,
Barmer pays the cost of the tooth replacement.

You should go to the dentist twice a year for a check-up.
You should have the check-ups entered in your bonus booklet.
Barmer then pays more for any tooth replacement.

Dental check-ups

You can visit the dentist for a check-up.
A check-up means:

  • You do not have toothache
  • Your teeth are not diseased

The dentist examines your teeth and gums.
You can have a check-up 2 times a year.
Barmer pays for your check-ups.

The dentist must stamp your bonus booklet.
It is evidence that you have had regular check-ups.
Barmer then pays more for any dental prosthetics you need.

Making an application

For some dental treatment, you must first apply to Barmer.

How to apply for dental treatment:

  1. The dentist examines your teeth.
  2. The dentist makes a written plan for treatment.
    The plan is called a treatment and cost plan.
  3. You send the treatment and cost plan to Barmer along with your bonus booklet.
  4. Barmer then informs you in a letter how much it pays for the treatment.

Your dentist and Barmer helps you with the application.

If you need any help:
Call Barmer by telephone.
Or click one of the contact options on our website.

Hospital visits

The following visits are possible:

  • Outpatient visit
  • Inpatient visit

An outpatient visit means:
Treatment takes place at a doctor's surgery or in a hospital.
You can go home the same day.
You do not have to stay in the hospital.

An inpatient visit means:
Treatment takes place in a hospital.
After treatment, you stay in hospital.

Sometimes you can decide whether:
You are treated as an outpatient.
Or you are treated as an inpatient.

Do you need help deciding?
Then call Barmer by telephone.
Or click one of the contact options on our website.

Other treatment

Many people need special treatment and medical aids.
For example:

  • A pair of glasses
  • A hearing aid
  • A wheelchair
  • Physiotherapy

Life is then improved for people receiving special treatment and medical aids.

Barmer pays for many of the special treatments and medical aids the members receive.

Barmer's website lists the types of special treatments and medical aids.

Do you need a special treatment or medical aid?

Or do you have a question about a special treatment or medical aid?

Then call Barmer by telephone.
Or click on the contact options on our website.