General Terms of Use

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Just as there are manners for the dinner table, so too are there rules regarding the use of our webpages. By using our website, you declare that you agree to abide by these rules. Thank you.

Just as there are manners for the dinner table, so too are there rules regarding the use of our webpages.

The downloading and saving of individual pages on your computer is permitted. The reproduction and permanent storage of the content and the use of the graphics and photos that we have provided on our website requires our consent.

Please contact the Editorial Office.

It is prohibited to transmit or distribute threatening, defamatory, offensive, obscene, pornographic, immoral, or illegal content on the Barmer website, such as in our discussion forums with experts.

Your questions on the topic of health will be addressed by our partner almeda GmbH. The doctors and the medical team are of course obliged to maintain confidentiality – including towards Barmer. The protection of your data is guaranteed.
Participation in our forums is open to all. Please check your contribution prior to posting to see if it may contain information that is not intended for the public or that reveals personal information.

The total size of an email may not exceed 50 MB (including attachments).
You may use the following file formats: doc, docx, rtf, bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, odt, png, pdf, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx. The files may not be password-protected. Furthermore, please do not send us any video or audio files.

As a service to you, our website contains links to other websites that have additional information on specific subjects or that offer useful tools.

Please understand that we cannot continuously check all third-party websites to which we provide links. We therefore assume no liability for the content of these providers.

Furthermore, our links do not constitute an endorsement of the content, products, and services presented on the linked websites.

In order to provide you with as comprehensive a service as possible, we also make PDF documents from external providers available to you. These are for informational purposes only and do not represent an endorsement of the products and services presented.

Participation in our online contests is open to adults only. Minors require the consent of their legal guardian.
Barmer provides no guarantee of the currency, correctness, completeness, or quality of the provided content and references. Liability claims against Barmer relating to the use or non-use of the presented information are expressly excluded, provided there is no willful or grossly negligent breach of obligation.