Visiting a doctor, medical specialist or hospital
Yes. The Barmer Teledoktor is available daily from 6:00 to 24:00 via telephone, chat or in-app message to provide free medical advice in English across all healthcare areas – from asthma to toothaches. Video consultations from doctors are available Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 22:00, and on weekends and public holidays from 8:00 to 20:00. Download the Barmer Teledoktor-App or call directly on the toll-free number 0800 333 560 from within Germany. If you are calling from outside Germany, please dial the number +49 202 568 3333 560*.
*) Charges may apply according to the tariff of your telephone network provider
No. As a Barmer member, you don’t need to pay anything when you visit a doctor who is registered within the public health insurance system. Everything that is medically necessary is billed directly to Barmer via your e-health card. If you choose an additional treatment that is not covered under public healthcare, some extra costs may arise, but your doctor will inform you in advance. This way, you can decide what is best for you. An example is dental fillings: A special high-end material may require an additional cost – but the standard quality material is always free. In some cases, however, small co-payments are required for healthcare services.